Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Purple Haze Takes Over

I don’t really get on here to bitch anymore, which is good.  I find that medical marijuana chills me out to the point that things that used to make me angry no longer anger me.  I do still get irritated, like everyone else, but not to the extent that it once was.

I’m now considering the option of a gym membership where I can swim away my 50 pounds I gained when I moved to San Diego. 

I am also turning over a new leaf at work.  I am thinking of saying goodbye to my 5 am shift and settling for something a little later.  I think that’s my problem.  Rushing rushing rushing, sitting for 8 hours, then rush rush rush back home to do nothing…sleep…then repeat.  I think it’s time for a change so I can spend my mornings doing a little more than just getting up and going immediately to work.

We’ll see how that goes.  Maybe change to a 7 am shift or something.


I’ll keep you updated.

1 comment:

SkylersDad said...

Good luck with the changes, I hope they work out for you.